*~ F.A.Q~*
Commonly asked questions about merfolk (in character)
Do mermaids breathe underwater?: Mermaids are aquatic mammals like dolphins and manatee. They breathe air at the surface and can stay underwater for very long periods of time.
What do mermaids eat?: Mermaids are 6ft-8ft long and at the top of the food chain. They eat what ever they want. Mermaids all have individual preferences for food, and some have even acquired a taste for human food while visiting on land.
How long do mermaids live?: There is no record of the average lifespan of a mermaid, but humans have met mermaids as old as 2000 years old!
Do mermaids speak english?:Mermaid voices don't work like human voices do. Most mermaids understand english very well, but aren't able to speak it clearly. Some mermaids use a little magic to communicate better.